गांधींनी डॉ. हेडगेवार हयात असताना एकदा वर्ध्याला संघशाखेला भेट दिली होती. संघाची शिस्त, अस्पृश्यतेचा अभाव, साधेपणा यांनी ते अत्यंत प्रभावित झाले होते. संघकार्याविषयी गांधींना आस्था व आदर होता. असे गांधी साहित्यातच छापले गेले आहे. संघाच्या हिंदु धर्म व सांस्कृतिक कार्याविषयी गांधींना आस्था होती
Collected works of Mahatma Gandhi Vol 96 मध्ये पृ. ३८० वर हे छापले गेले आहे.
NEW DELHI, September 16, 1947
NEW DELHI, September 16, 1947
Gandhiji said that he had visited the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh camp years ago at Wardha, when the founder Shri Hedgewar was alive. The late Shri Jamnalal Bajaj had taken him to the camp and he (Gandhiji) had been very well impressed by their discipline, complete absence of untouchability and rigorous simplicity. Since then the Sangh had grown. Gandhiji was onvinced that any organization which was inspired by the ideal of service and self-sacrifice was bound to grow in strength. But in order to be truly useful, self-sacrifice had to be combined with purity of motive and true knowledge. Sacrifice without these two had been known to prove ruinous to society.
The prayer that was recited at the beginning was in praise of Mother India, Hindu culture and Hindu religion. He claimed to be a sanatani Hindu. He took the root meaning of the word sanatana. No one knew accurately the origin of the word Hindu.

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